Jake Cunningham
Le monde du Studio Ghibli : un guide non officiel
Michael Leader, Jake Cunningham
- 404 Editions
- 12 Octobre 2023
- 9791032407776
Plongez au coeur de l'univers merveilleux du studio Ghibli avec ce guide destiné aux jeunes cinéphiles !
Retrouvez, dans ce guide complet, un tour d'horizon des classiques du studio Ghibli, du
Voyage de Chihiro à
Mon voisin Totoro en passant par
Kiki la petite sorcière et
Princesse Mononoké.
A travers huit chapitres reprenant des thèmes importants des films, comme le voyage, le héros, la nourriture ou les créatures extraordinaires, découvrez des descriptions et informations sur ces chefs-d'oeuvre, accompagnés d'activités et quiz pour les plus jeunes fans de Ghibli !
Un livre non officiel incontournable pour tous les fans des films du studio Ghibli ! -
Film Korea : Le guide du cinéma coréen
Michael Leader, Jake Cunningham
- Ynnis
- 28 Août 2024
- 9782376974567
Explorez les chefs-d'oeuvre de la « vague coréenne » !
Le podcast Ghibliotheque vous emmène en voyage à travers une sélection de réalisations coréennes emblématiques, celles qu'il faut avoir vues pour s'immerger dans la « vague coréenne » qui déferle sur le monde depuis quelques années.
Richement illustrées, parcourez des analyses détaillées de ces films innovants et leur histoire, du célèbre Old Boy au succès oscarisé Parasite en passant par les trésors cachés du 7e art coréen.
Michael Leader écrit régulièrement dans les magazines Little White Lies et Sight & Sound. Directeur éditorial de Film4 Online, il travaille également sur la capsule Inside Cinema de la chaîne BBC Arts.
Jake Cunningham travaille sur la chaîne Channel 4 et contribue également aux journaux The Independent, Little White Lies et au British Film Institute.
Les deux ont fondé le podcast Ghibliotheque, un podcast spécialisé sur les films d'animation. -
Anime : le guide des meilleurs dessins animes japonais
Michael Leader, Jake Cunningham
- Grund
- Reportage Grund
- 13 Octobre 2022
- 9782324031779
Partez à la découverte du monde fascinant de l'anime à travers 30 grands classiques analysés par les auteurs de Studio Ghibli, le Guide de tous les films.
The Ghibliotheque anime movie guide : the essential guide to the world of japanese animated cinema
Michael Leader, Jake Cunningham
- Welbeck
- 17 Octobre 2022
- 9781802792881
Explore the fascinating world of Anime through more than 20 classic films in this new book from the authors of Ghibliotheque.
The Ghibliotheque Anime Movie Guide gives an accessible beginner's tour to the wildly popular world of Japanese animated cinema, charting a path that takes in everything from titans of the industry like Akira, Ghost in the Shell and Your Name, to deeper cuts, hidden gems, and future classics that any newcomer to the artform must see. Just as Ghibliotheque was a gateway into the fantastical worlds of Spirited Away, My Neighbour Totoro and Princess Mononoke, this new guide provides a perfect entry point for film fans who want to expand their knowledge and appreciation of the genre.
Each chapter focuses on one of the all-time greatest anime films, with director biographies, recommendations for further viewing and other trivia titbits supplementing the core reviews and breakdowns of each movie. Combined with vibrant film stills and lush posters and portraits, authors Michael Leader and Jake Cunningham reveal the story behind each film, why it's a must-see, and give readers a welcoming guide through the exciting world of anime. -
Ghibliotheque film korea : the essential guide to the wonderful world of korean cinema
Jake Cunningham, Michael Leader
- Welbeck
- 11 Octobre 2023
- 9781802796339
Explore the magical, mysterious world of Korean cinema, in this new book from the authors of Ghibliotheque.
From smash hits such as Parasite to cult favourites Oldboy, The Handmaiden and Train to Busan, Korean cinema is a hotbed of creative talent and the force behind the most exciting, captivating filmmaking in the world right now.
In this essential guide to the country's cinematic story, Michael Leader and Jake Cunningham - authors and hosts of the hit podcast Ghibliotheque - guide you through the must-see films from a century of Korean movies.
Exploring 30 movies, from the breakout hits to deeper cuts, hidden gems and future classics, Film Korea is a gateway to everything you need to know about the white-hot world of Korean cinema. Combining reviews and director biographies with recommended further viewing and a catalogue of beautiful film stills and movie posters, this is your one-stop guide to an incredible, captivating artform. -
Rédigé par les créateurs du podcast et du best-seller Ghibliotheque, ce guide complet destiné aux jeunes cinéphiles présente l'un des studios les plus passionnants et les plus influents de l'histoire du cinéma, créateur de classiques bien-aimés tels que Spirited Away, My Neighbour Totoro, Ponyo et Kiki's Delivery Service. Au fil des huit chapitres, nous découvrirons les films de près, nous apprendrons qui est qui au sein du studio oscarisé et nous explorerons l'impact que le monde Ghibli a laissé sur notre planète.
Revised and updated - includes Miyazaki's new masterpiece, The Boy and the Heron.
Explore the films of magical Japanese animation masters Studio Ghibli in this film-by-film celebration for newcomers and long-time fans alike.
Ghibliotheque reviews each Studio Ghibli movie in turn, in the voice of expert and newcomer. The lively text delves into production details, themes, key scenes and general reviews, as well as Ghibli-specific information. It's beautifully illustrated with stills and posters from each movie.
Written by the hosts of the acclaimed Ghibliotheque podcast, this is the first and last word on the films of Studio Ghibli.
Step beyond the magical movies and explore the wider world of Studio Ghibli.
Hailed as perhaps the greatest animation studio in the world, Studio Ghibli's influence extends far further than the cinema screen. Ghibliverse plots a course through the universe outside the films, the wonderful web of inspiration and influences that are ripe and waiting for Ghibli fans to enjoy.
From manga and rare movies to forgotten television series and brand new theme parks, and from literary masterpieces and rival studios to soundtracks and secret short films, expert authors and hosts of the hit Ghibliotheque podcast Michael Leader and Jake Cunningham show that the magic doesn't stop when the film credits roll. -
Ghibliotheque : the unofficial guide to the movies of studio ghibli
Michael Leader, Jake Cunningham
- Welbeck
- 13 Septembre 2021
- 9781787396654
A complete and essential guide to the magical movies of Studio Ghibli.
Adapted from the acclaimed podcast, Ghibliotheque offers a well-balanced and highly informed critique of some of the greatest animated movies of all time, including Spirited Away, My Neighbour Totoro and Princess Mononoke.
From Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind to Earwig and the Witch, authors Michael Leader and Jake Cunningham review every Studio Ghibli feature film, providing insightful background information on how the films were made, and considered film-fan reactions to the works themselves. Beautifully illustrated with stills and posters, portraits of the creative team and the Studio itself, this is a comprehensive, engaging guide to the wonderfully complex, mysterious and entertaining worlds of the legendary, Oscar-winning animation company.