Phaidon Press
44 produits trouvés
Tim Burton is one of the most popular and innovative creative forces working in Hollywood today. From his first films as a cinema obsessed adolescent to his most recent Hollywood blockbusters like Sweeney Todd and Alice in Wonderland, this new monograph by acclaimed author and film critic Antoine de Baecque, takes readers on a behind the scenes journey through Burton's eccentric career. Featuring interviews with Burton himself that reveal quirky personal anecdotes, exhaustively researched and gorgeously illustrated with film stills, set photographs and a wide selection of Burton's drawings, this vivid account of one of American cinema's greatest stars will delight fans and critics alike.
Grand format 35.00 €Indisponible
Découvrez David Lynch, le livre de Thierry Jousse. David Lynch (États-Unis, 1946) est le réalisateur culte par excellence, dont le mythique Mulholland Drive (2001) a contribué à faire entrer le cinéma dans le vingt et unième siècle. Trois décennies plus tôt, sa carrière débutait avec l'inclassable Eraserhead (1977), bientôt suivi de Blue Velvet (1986), Sailor et Lula (1990), puis Lost Highway (1997). Le cinéma de Lynch invite le public à de nouvelles expériences sensorielles, où la logique narrative se désagrège pour mieux mystifier le spectateur. S'il appartient bel et bien au système des studios hollywoodiens, Lynch n'a jamais cessé d'en explorer les marges, inventant par exemple au début des années 1990 un nouveau genre de série télévisée avec Twin Peaks. Son talent aux multiples facettes s'exprime dans des médias aussi divers que la photographie, la peinture, la musique, et ses oeuvres s'exposent désormais dans les musées et les galeries d'art.
Recherche 9782866426064
A comprehensive study of Nicole Kidman's work through the lens of ten of her most iconic roles.
A new title in the popular Anatomy of an Actor series from world-renowned cinema magazine Cahiers du cinéma.
Australian Academy Award-winning actress Nicole Kidman (b.1967) has consistently avoided being typecast by playing an incredibly diverse range of roles from Satine in Baz Luhrmann's Moulin Rouge, to Virginia Woolf in The Hours.
An accessible text combines both a narrative and analytical dimension and is illustrated by 300 film stills, set photographs and film sequences.
Grand format 39.95 €Indisponible
A comprehensive study of George Clooney's work through the lens of ten of his most iconic roles.
A new title in the fascinating Anatomy of an Actor series from world-renowned cinema magazine Cahiers du cinema.
This book explores the career of George Clooney (b.1961). A TV heartthrob doctor for five years, he made one of the most successful transitions from television to being a critically acclaimed, Oscar-winning film actor starring in both mainstream and art-house films.
An accessible text combines both a narrative and analytical dimension and is illustrated by 300 film stills, set photographs and film sequences The book will appeal to enthusiastic moviegoers as well as serious cinephiles, fans, and those who want to become actors.
Grand format 39.95 €Indisponible
Stanley Kubrick. Bill Krohn (trad. Émilie Saada). Cinéaste américain (New York 1928 - Londres 1999), il fut d'abord journaliste à Look et il tourna des films d'amateurs en 16 mm. C'est avec Les Sentiers de la gloire (1957) qu'il se fit connaître. Il réalisa ensuite Spartacus (1960), Lolita (1962), Le Docteur Folamour (1964), Barry Lyndon (1974), 2001 : l'Odyssée de l'espace (1968), Orange mécanique (1971), Shining (1980), Full Metal Jacket (1987), Eyes Wide Shut (1999, film à titre posthume). Critique et historien du cinéma, Bill Krohn est correspondant des Cahiers du cinéma à Los Angeles. Co-auteur et co-producteur de It's All True, : Based on an Unfinished Film by Orson Welles. Il a aussi dirigé l'ouvrage collectif Joe Dante et les Gremlins d'Hollywood coédité par Les Cahiers du cinéma et le Festival international du Film de Locarno, et écrit un ouvrage Alfred Hitchcock au travail (Cahiers du cinéma).
A new title in the fascinating series from world-renowned cinema magazine Cahiers du cinéma, which focuses on ten key performances from a single actor in a useful and illuminating monograph.
Jack Nicholson (b.1937) has twice taken the Academy Award for Best Actor (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, 1975, and As Good as It Gets, 1997) and holds a record twelve Oscar nominations, making him the most nominated actor of all time. Widely considered to be one of the finest actors working today, Nicholson's career spans such classics as Easy Rider (1969), Chinatown (1974), The Shining (1980), The Postman Always Ring Twice (1981), Terms of Endearment (1983), The Witches of Eastwick (1987) and The Departed (2006).
An accessible text combines both a narrative and analytical dimension and is illustrated by 300 film stills, set photographs and film sequences.
Grand format 39.95 €Indisponible
Tim Burton (USA, b. 1958) is the youngest of Hollywood's most successful directors. He has the knack of making films with a very broad appeal, taking the silliness out of the representation of children, while remaining in touch with the child within himself and his audiences. Burton emerged as a director and storyteller after working as an animator for Disney. His meeting with Johnny Depp enabled him to give physical form to the heroes of his imaginary worlds, where fear is mixed with laughter, strange is normal and those who are not normal, such as Edward Scissorhands (1990), must be preserved. After Beetlejuice (1988) and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005), the resolutely boyish Burton, now in his fifties, presents his version of Alice in Wonderland (2010).
The 'Anatomy of an Actor' series takes ten roles by a single actor, each studied in a dedicated chapter, and identifies the key elements that made the performances exceptional - carefully examining the actor's craft for both a professional audience and movie fans alike.
This new title explores the career of Meryl Streep (b.1949). One of the most talented actresses of her generation, Streep provides a high benchmark by which others are measured. In films as diverse as The Deer Hunter (1978), Kramer vs. Kramer (1979), Mamma Mia (2008) and her Oscar-winning turn as Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady (2010), Streep has never failed to astound audiences with her ability to fully inhabit her characters.
An accessible text combines both a narrative and analytical dimension and is illustrated by 300 film stills, set photographs and film sequences
Découvrez Clint Eastwood, le livre de Bernard Benoliel. Clint Eastwood (États-Unis, 1930) est l'une des figures majeures du cinéma américain contemporain. Son cheminement vers les sommets a pris la forme d'un périple atypique dans les méandres du système : après avoir joué des rôles emblématiques du western spaghetti chez Sergio Leone dans les années 1960, il retourne à Hollywood où sa métamorphose en flic ultraviolent dans la série des Inspecteur Harry suscite une vive controverse. Les années 1970 le voient passer derrière la caméra et, à l'instar des grands réalisateurs de l'âge d'or américain, signer des chefs-d'oeuvre dans des genres aussi variés que le western (Impitoyable, 1992), le film noir (Mystic River, 2003), la fresque guerrière (Mémoires de nos pères, 2006 ; Lettres d'Iwo Jima, 2006), le mélodrame (Sur la route de Madison, 1995), le film sportif (Million Dollar Baby, 2004 ; Invictus, 2009) ou le biopic (Bird, 1988 ; J Edgar, 2011).
Découvrez Martin Scorsese, le livre de Thomas Sotinel
Federico Fellini. Angel Quintana (trad. Marien Neveu). Cinéaste italien (Rimini 1920 - Rome 1993), il fut l'assistant de Rossellini et de Lattuada. Principales réalisations : Les Feux du Music-hall (1951), Courrier du coeur (1952), La Strada (1954), Il Bidone (1955), Les Nuits de Cabiria (1957), Juliette des esprits (1965), La Dolce Vita (1959), Huit et demi (1963), Fellini Satyricon (1968), Fellini Roma (1971), Amarcord (1973), Répétition d'orchestre (1978), La Cité des femmes (1980), Et vogue le navire (1983), Ginger et Fred (1986), Intervista (1987), La voce della Luna (1989).
(Torroella de Montgrí, Espagne, 1960). Maître de conférences en Histoire et Théorie du cinéma à l'Université de Girona (Espagne). Critique du cinéma dans Cultura/s de La Vanguardia, El Punt et Dirigido. Il a publié les livres: Roberto Rossellini (Catedra, 1995), Jean Renoir (Catedra, 1998), El cine italiano 1943-1962. Del neorrealismo a la modernidad, 1997), Fábulas de lo visible (El Acantilado, 2003, prix de l'Association espagnole des historiens du cinéma au meilleur livre de cinéma publié en Espagne), Olivier Assayas, líneas de fuga (Festival de Gijón) et Peter Watkins. Histoira de una resistencia (Festival de Gijón/Festival de Cine Independiente de Buenos Aires, 2006).
Beaux-livres 39.95 €
Grand format 69.95 €
A new title in the fascinating series from world-renowned cinema magazine Cahiers du cinéma, which focuses on ten key performances from a single actor. Best known for gangster films, Robert De Niro (b.1943) has led a rich and varied career that encompasses crime movies, musicals, comedies, period pieces and action flicks.
His breakout role in Martin Scorsese's Mean Streets (1973) sparked a decades-long collaboration with the director that included Taxi Driver in 1976 and The King of Comedy in 1983. Oscar winner for Best Actor in Raging Bull (1980), he was awarded the prestigious role of jury president at Cannes in 2011.
Grand format 39.95 €Indisponible
Découvrez Pedro Almodovar, le livre de Thomas Sotinel
Francis Ford Coppola (USA, b. 1939) is the oldest of the generation of 'movie brats', including Scorsese and Spielberg, who breathed new life into the Hollywood of the 1970s. He revived the glory of the studio age with the legendary Godfather saga (1972 - 90), explored the soul of America at war in Vietnam with Apocalypse Now (1979) and has directed some of the greatest actors, including Brando, Pacino and De Niro. Having outgrown the role of director decreed by the major studios, he is now an independent producer and continues to direct films with undimmed brilliance (Tetro, 2009).
Découvrez Steven Spielberg, le livre de Clélia Cohen
Cinéaste américain d'origine autrichienne (Vienne 1906 - Beverly Hills 2002). Formé à l'école de l'expressionnisme allemand, il s'est imposé dans des genres aussi divers que le drame : Assurance sur la mort (1944), Le Poison (1945), Boulevard du crépuscule (1950), et la comédie légère : Le Gouffre aux chimères (1951), Sept Ans de réflexion (1955), Certains l'aiment chaud (1959). Ses derniers films : La Vie privée de Sherlock Holmes (1970), Avanti (1972), Fedora (1978).