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Laurence King
38 produits trouvés
Where I Find Myself accompagne une grande rétrospective présentée au C/O Berlin (décembre 2017 - mars 2018). Ce livre constitue la monographie la plus complète à ce jour sur le célèbre photographe américain. Organisée en chronologie inversée, elle remonte toute la carrière de Meyerowitz, d'aujourd'hui aux débuts. Toutes les grandes séries du photographe y sont présentées : les ateliers de Morandi et de Cézanne, ses études sur les arbres, Cape Cod, les ruines du World Trade Center, ses voyages sur les traces de Robert Frank à travers les Etats-Unis, ses expérimentations sur la couleur et le noir & blanc, et bien sûr ses célèbres photos de rue à Paris et New York.
Pendant plus d'un demi-siècle, le photographe Daido Moriyama a restitué au monde entier une vision distincte du Japon et de ses habitants. Dans ce livre, il permet aux lecteurs d'en apprendre davantage sur ses méthodes pour capturer la réalité, sur les caméras qu'il utilise et sur ses voyages.
Grand format 22.95 €Indisponible
Images anonymes retravaillées, solarisation, montage numérique, jeux d'échelle déroutants et utilisation du web : Post-Photography explore les langages photographiques d'une trentaine d'artistes contemporains, parmi lesquels Valérie Belin, Olivo Barbieri, Broomberg & Chanarin ou Richard Mosse.
Read this if you want to take great photographs
Henry Carroll
- Laurence King
- 4 Mai 2023
- 9781399606950
Photography is now more popular than ever thanks to the rapid development of digital cameras. Read This if You Want to Take Great Photographs is ideal for this new wave of snapshooters using DSLR, compact system and bridge cameras. It contains no graphs, no techie diagrams and no camera-club jargon. Instead, it inspires readers through iconic images and playful copy, packed with hands-on tips.
Split into five sections, the book covers composition, exposure, light, lenses and the art of seeing. Masterpieces by acclaimed photographers - including Henri Cartier-Bresson, Sebastiao Salgado, Fay Godwin, Nadav Kander, Daido Moriyama and Martin Parr - serve to illustrate points and encourage readers to try out new ideas.
Today's aspiring photographers want immediacy and see photography as an affordable way of expressing themselves quickly and creatively. This handbook meets their needs, teaching them how to take photographs using professional techniques. -
Through a carefully curated selection of quotations, images and interviews, Photographers on Photography reveals what matters most to the masters. With enlightening text by Henry Carroll, author of the internationally bestselling Read This If You Want To Take Great Photographs series, youll discover how the giants of the genres developed their distinctive visual styles, the core ideas that underpin their practice and, most importantly, what photography means to you.
Street photography may look like luck, but you have to get out there and hone your craft if you want to shake up those luck vibes. Matt Stuart never goes out without his trusty Leica and, in a career spanning twenty years, has taken some of the most accomplished, witty and well-known photographs of the streets.
From understanding how to be invisible on a busy street, to anticipating a great image in the chaos of a crowd, Matt Stuart reveals in over 20 chapters the hard-won skills and secrets that have led to his greatest shots. He explains his purist and uniquely playful approach to street photography leaving the reader full of ideas to use in their own photography. Illustrated throughout with 100 of Stuart's images, this is a unique opportunity to learn from one of the finest street photographers around. -
Photography a cultural history (3rd ed)
Marien Mary Warner
- Laurence King
- 1 Février 2010
- 9781856696661